Thursday, November 27, 2008

Rod Pederson Blog

So I'm sitting in the coffee shop here reading the CFL News email and I laughed out loud at this excerpt from columnist Jack Evans of the Cobourg (Ontario) Daily News:"Like the Cobourg gang, I was dressed in my Roughrider green. One ardent Calgary fan, assuming I was from Saskatchewan and my team didn't make it urged: "Deep down, you're really going to be rooting for Calgary aren't you?""No, I'm rooting for Montreal," I replied."How could anyone from Saskatchewan root for Montreal?" was the followup."I'm not from Saskatchewan; I'm from Ontario," I told the then-confused Calgarian."Saskatchewan fans are everywhere," I added. "Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.Another columnist, in Victoria, absolutely ripped apart the Calgary Stampeders for their behaviour after winning the G.C. on Sunday, and Jermaine Copeland's repeated use of the "N" word on live national TV.I'd love to share this email from the CFL with you but I've been informed it's strictly for league personnel. If it's okay, I'll continue to pass along the best tidbits to you.----The news today: Matt Dunigan's inline to become the offensive coordinator in Winnipeg, Jim Fassel and Richie Hall interviewed for the Toronto HC job and George Cortez has taken his name out of the running.Speaking of George, I got a voicemail from him on Tuesday "Hey Rod it's George Cortez here in the Spirit of the West, Calgary Alberta. Give me a call sometime!"I'm sure he read the shout-out on Monday. Hey George, I've been travellling! I'll catch up with you today or tomorrow!!----

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