Tuesday, January 26, 2010


New Roughriders General Manager Brendan Taman was on Sportsline last night and revealed the club has made its offer to Joe Womack to stay with the team. Womack has spent the past three seasons with the Green & White in various roles including head scout, safeties coach and strength coach. Here's what Brendan had to say:

BT: "Joe was very disappointed he didn't get the G.M. job so after the announcement we had a long meeting. Afterwards we offered Joe a position within the organization and it's different from what he had. He won't be coaching anymore. His forte will be working for us a director of U.S. scouting, based out of the U.S."He's going to take some time to think about it, and whether or not it's something he wants to pursue. If there are other things out there, I'd be happy to help him in any way I can. But we've offered for him to stay with us, and I think he'd benefit from it. "

RP: Is the timeframe on the decision his or yours?

BT: "To be fair to Joe, and he's done so much work here, he can work on his timetable. If it's 2 weeks or 3 weeks, it's his job to take if he wants it. Having said that, we want to bring sombody else in."I've talked to Kenny and we want to have a progression plan in place in the organization. That means if I leave in two years, we'd like to have a G.M. in place to take it. Or if Kenny leaves, we'd like to have an assistant coach ready to take over. And from the management side, I'd like to have a guy here in Regina like an assistant G.M. and Joe in the States. With that, I think we'd have a pretty good organization. "

---You can listen to the entire interview with Brendan here:http://www.mediafire.com/?wnawkiqzz2h

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