Wednesday, February 17, 2010


REGINA — Tad Kornegay’s return is just what the doctor ordered for the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

The Canadian Football League club’s defence has been hemorrhaging this off-season with the loss of rush ends John Chick and Stevie Baggs, along with middle linebacker Rey Williams — all of whom signed with NFL clubs. However, the bleeding was slowed Wednesday when Saskatchewan re-signed Kornegay — an all-star linebacker in 2009 — for one year plus an option.

“We lost three of our key players on D that we had great success with,” offered Kornegay, who became a free agent Monday but quickly agreed to a new deal with general manager Brendan Taman. “If I’m speaking for myself — and I’m probably speaking for Taman as well — we wanted to keep as many vets as possible because of the loss of those three guys. Me staying with the team is definitely going to help out a lot and hopefully we have guys who can fill those (other) shoes.”

With Kornegay back in the fold, Taman is continuing to work towards new contracts for Saskatchewan’s three remaining free agents on defence — halfback Eddie Davis, tackle Marcus Adams and safety James Patrick. The Riders are still in a negotiation phase with Davis but Taman hinted that talks are further along with Adams and Patrick.

“Our defence has taken some hits,” the general manager said. “It was all out of our control, really. We didn’t have any control over the NFL coming to get them. Our motto was to try to do the best we can to keep the rest of the guys here. We still have some work to do with Eddie and Patrick and Chunky but at least with Tad we have one starting block to put the pieces back together.”

And a key one, at that.

“Tad was a really unique guy because he can do so many things for us,” continued Taman. “He played that linebacker spot for us at a very high level. He has the ability to go back and play in the secondary if need be. He was a pretty important piece to what we do. We lost a few guys. Had we lost Tad and some other guys we would have really been in trouble but at least with Tad we have some insurance and some versatility, so that’s a huge thing for us.”

Kornegay enjoyed a breakout campaign with the Riders in 2009, recording 74 defensive tackles, 10 special-teams tackles, four forced fumbles, three recoveries and three interceptions. He was rewarded with a West Division all-star award for the first time in his five-year CFL career.

“There were a few teams interested in me . . . but I really was focused on working a deal out with the Riders and continuing what we started,” said the native of Trenton, N.J. “Last year we got to that Cup (final). We feel as though we should have won that game. We definitely have some unfinished business.

This is what I wanted. I’ve been here for three years. It’s almost like I’m home. I think everybody that’s returning from last year, we all have a chip on our shoulder. I accept any accolades I win but I really want to win a Grey Cup.”

Kornegay’s motivation for returning also had a lot to do with the presence of defensive co-ordinator Gary Etcheverry.

It was under his guidance that Kornegay was converted from defensive back to linebacker and thrived in the role, becoming a full-time starter for the first time in his CFL career.

“I love his defence,” added Kornegay, 27. “His defence allowed me to be myself and just make plays. He trusted in me and I trusted in him. They like to call me Mr. Everything. I always thought I could do everything but Etch actually proved to me that I really can play every position out there. It was crazy but I had a great time doing it.”

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