Thursday, March 25, 2010


Roughriders GM Brendan Taman
Photograph by: Roy Antal, Leader-Post

REGINA — Brendan Taman knows the Saskatchewan Roughriders' defence has taken some hits this off-season.

While the Roughriders' general manager is addressing that issue — "We go shopping every day," is how he put it Wednesday — he remains confident the CFL team will be able to survive the losses of players like Stevie Baggs, John Chick, Eddie Davis and Rey Williams.

"We have some good young players who didn't play a lot last year and that group will be a big piece of what we do," Taman said. "Chris McKenzie, Joe Sykes, Willie Evans, Jerrell Freeman — those guys have a great chance to grab a spot. Are we anointing them? No, because we're going to have competition.

"Our offence is going to be based around guys with name recognition, whereas the defence is going to have some younger guys. Either way, we're going to be good."

The Roughriders lost Baggs (Arizona Cardinals), Chick (Indianapolis Colts) and Williams (Pittsburgh Steelers) to NFL teams this off-season, while Davis retired after becoming a free agent.

Sykes and Evans are among those who could replace Baggs and Chick at the defensive end spots, Freeman played some middle linebacker last season while Williams was out with a knee injury, and McKenzie filled in when Davis had a knee problem.

Taman said the Roughriders also are talking to other players, including those on the team's negotiation list as well as experienced players who are free agents. That latter group, Taman confirmed, includes veteran middle linebacker Barrin Simpson.

"We've built up our neg list a little bit on defence," Taman said. "Our recruiting on offence is pretty much in place. Our defence has some holes that have opened up. I'm convinced we could go out tomorrow and be good, but we want to increase our level of competition.

"It's March 24 and we go to camp in June. The NFL draft is coming up, so we have to be patient. It's not that we're doing nothing, but we're not in a panic situation, either."

The Roughriders have added some players this off-season — including offensive linemen Kelly Bates and Dan Goodspeed and tailback/kick returner Dominique Dorsey via free agency, and wideout Prechae Rodriguez through a trade — and have re-signed all but four of their own free agents.

Taman said the club is still "monitoring the situation" when it comes to its crop of quarterbacks. Darian Durant is the undisputed starter, but the backups right now are Graham Harrell and Cole Bergquist — neither of whom has thrown a pass in a regular-season game.

"We're glad we have a starter who we're very happy with; that's Step 1," Taman said. "The challenge is, do you go out and sign an experienced guy with a name just to add that aspect or do you give young guys the confidence they need to be capable backups? That's the magical question."

The list of big-name veterans includes Kerry Joseph and Buck Pierce, who were released by the Toronto Argonauts and B.C. Lions, respectively.

When former Roughriders GM Eric Tillman resigned Jan. 8, he told reporters the Roughriders had 75 players under contract — the league maximum. After the departure of some players and the arrival of others this off-season, Taman said the Roughriders again are close to the limit. As a result, signings soon won't be possible without deletions being made from the roster.
n The Roughriders are expected to finalize their player personnel department in the coming days.

It's believed Joe Womack, the Roughriders' director of player personnel for the past three seasons, will remain with the team in some capacity — and he could be based in the U.S.
As well, Craig Smith — previously the east regional scout with the Lions — is expected to arrive in Regina this week to formally join the Roughriders' staff.

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