Saturday, February 12, 2011


New Saskatchewan Roughrider offensive lineman Alexandre Gauthier in Regina on February 11, 2011.Photograph by: Don Healy, Leader-PostREGINA — If Alex Gauthier couldn't play at home, his next choice was in Regina.

The Saskatchewan Roughriders welcomed the 34-year-old offensive lineman to their family on Friday and signed the product of Marie, Que., to what is believed to be a two-year contract.

"This is the best place to be," Gauthier told a swarm of media that gathered on Friday afternoon inside the Riders' locker room. "I had a few offers and I was talking to my wife about where would be the best place for us to go. Coming here is a good fit."

Gauthier, a 6-foot-6, 326-pounder from Marie, Que., cited a long list of reasons why he chose the Riders over the other rumoured suitor, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers.

Joining a Riders team that has played in the past two Grey Cup games, Gauthier explained, gave him the best opportunity to compete for a CFL championship.

"As a player, you want to go somewhere where the chances of winning are good," Gauthier said.

"It seems like all the stars were aligned to bring me here. I don't see any negative points in being here."

Neither does Rider general manager Brendan Taman.

"He just doesn't get beat," Taman said. "He's a solid guy and a Canadian at left tackle. There's not a lot of them in the league. He's durable and very reliable."

Taman admitted he has had an eye on Gauthier for a while. In fact, the Riders had worked out a trade for him last season, but the deal fell through at the last minute.

Gauthier has proved to be durable throughout his CFL career, as he has started every game over the past six seasons.

He played the past two seasons with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats where he worked with Steve Buratto, who was recently hired by the Riders to serve as the team's offensive line coach. While in Hamilton, Gauthier also got to know Greg Marshall, the Riders' new head coach.

Prior to his time with the Ti-Cats, Gauthier played for two years with the Blue Bombers, where he was named an East Division all-star in 2007. He also became familiar with current Riders coaches Bob Dyce and Doug Berry.

Gauthier's familiarity with the Riders' new-look coaching staff was also a deciding factor in him coming to Regina.

"It looks like the team is going to be even better than it was last year," he said. "They have a super coaching staff right ... something like five head coaches."

In Winnipeg, Gauthier played two years with Dan Goodspeed, who is now with the Riders. Gauthier considers Goodpseed to be one of his closest friends.

"We studied film together, we were roommates, and we really pushed each other to make each other better," he said.

"To perform, you need to have fun," Gauthier added. "It's like any job. If you go to work walking backwards, it's going to be tough to put a smile on your face and actually perform. But when you have good friends and you know you're wanted there, it's easier to give everything you have."

Gauthier didn't feel as if he was wanted in Hamilton anymore, nor did he feel that Winnipeg sincerely wanted him.

"You want to go somwhere where you feel wanted," he said. "The thing in Winnipeg, I was feeling like they were needing me ... but here I really feel like they wanted me. I feel they are excited that I am here."

Gauthier and his pal Goodspeed will likely anchor the tackle positions on the offensive line this season, with Gauthier on the left side beside veteran Gene Makowsky.

The retirement of centre Jeremy O'Day created a void in the middle of the line. But with names like Marc Parenteau, Dan Clark, Marlon Dukes, among others, on the roster, Taman said they'll like fill from within to replace O'Day.

Non-import free-agent offensive lineman Wayne Smith, who has played in just one game over the past two seasons due to injuries, is still high on the Riders' list of players to re-sign.

"Anytime you get a good Canadian starter, you're pretty happy," he said. "Losing Andy (Fantuz) and Jeremy (O'Day) the past couple of weeks were sort of a blow. We knew we had to go out and get somebody through free agency, and we felt Alex was probably the top guy to get."

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