Monday, February 16, 2009

Lloyd Details

By Murray McCormick 02-16-2009 COMMENTS(0) Rider Rumblings

Maurice Lloyd is headed to Edmonton.
The former Roughriders middle linebacker signed with the Eskimos and apparently did quite well.
Lloyd supposedly signed for $165,000 in the first year of the two-year contract. That figure also includes a $100,000 signing bonus, which is amazing. That's quarterback country in terms of bonuses. I guess, the $100,000 is a bonus because there are less taxes. There is also $15,000 in incentives. That means Mo can make $185,000 in the first year of the contract.
The Eskimos outbid the Argos who were offering $100,000 as a base and $75,000 bonus. The Riders were offering $135,000, with incentives, over three years.
Now, you know why Mo is an Eskimo and good for him. He's earned every penny but it still seems mind-blowing that a middle linebacker can earn that much. Maybe Mo can play both ways . ..

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