Tuesday, April 7, 2009


By Murray McCormick 04-07-2009 COMMENTS(0) Rider Rumblings

Yep, it’s slow out there for Riders’ news but Wes Cates has stepped up to help fill the void.

Cates is spending his first winter in Saskatchewan and has been an eye-opener for the import running back. His thoughts appear online later and in Wednesday’s newspaper.As expected, Cates hears lots of questions from fans about the goings-on with the Riders during appearances.

He had this to say when asked about the quarterbacking situation with the Riders.As you know, the Riders are going with Darian Durant, Steven Jyles and Dalton Bell to start the 2009 season. They are young but Cates appreciates the fact they have been able to learn the Riders’ system while on the sidelines.“We have young guys who have playing experience and lot of experience with the clipboard,’’ said Cates. “That goes a long way. You want a quarterback to handle the clipboard and be that second-string guy for a while just so he can learn the terminology.

“Without even realizing it, it’s studying and teaching. He learns the terms and the ins-and-out of the game on the clipboard level. For that to happen to any quarterback is a good thing. We have quarterbacks who have been in that situation and now it’s time for them to hit the field.’’

Durant received Cates’s vote of confidence.“I’ve been around him for a couple of years and I know what I see on and off the field,’’ said Cates. “I also know that I like what I see.’’To see more, we’ll have to wait for training camp. It’s June 7 in Regina.

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