Saturday, August 29, 2009


The Saskatchewan Roughriders are just days away from returning to the football field for their first practice since this current bye week. However lots has been going on behind the scenes. G.M.

Eric Tillman apparently had a very good meeting with free agent LB Reggie Hunt, and he has given the coaches a "thumbs up" from his perspective, with regards to his signing. It's now appears to be a coaches decision. .

From what I'm hearing, the coaches have been very happy with the play of Tad Kornegay the past couple of games, and they also seem to be real happy with the McCullough-Freeman combo in the middle. That would seem to mean they see Hunt as a role player, not a full time starter.

Maybe I'm wrong, but that's the feeling I'm getting. . So, maybe that's why the coaches' meeting with Hunt is so important. . Both sides need to be comfortable with what appears to be a different role for the Reaper if he comes back. The coaches have taken some time off during the bye week, but that meeting will take place, with a decision probably being made one way or the other, before the team returns to the practice field next week.

Regarding star slotback Andy Fantuz, who's missed the past four games with a hamstring injury and is poised to become a free agent at season's end, the Riders are continuing to play wait-and-see. The offer's been made, and Fantuz continues to mull it over with his agents and perhaps his family as well.

From what I can gather, money won't be a factor. What Andy's grappling with is the strong pull to re-sign with the Riders, whom he loves, and the allure of heading home to southern Ontario near friends and family. He's got to know full well either the Argos, Ticats, or both will back up the Brink's truck come free agent season. As it stands, the Riders have no idea which way he's leaning but they've been trying to avoid making this a pressure decision. RP

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