Thursday, May 13, 2010


Chris Coult of Edmonton shares a photo of his Rider shrine.
Photograph by: Courtesy of Chris Coult, handout

REGINA — In Regina, it's almost a requirement of citizenship that you own a piece of clothing in Roughrider green.

Then there are the fans who have gone beyond wearing that green shirt to amassing collections of team memorabilia that show their pride in Saskatchewan's team.
Some live in this province, but others have taken their pride with them as they've travelled the world.

Over the last 100 years, the Saskatchewan Roughriders' logo has found its way onto mugs, records, cookbooks, plates, garage doors, and now, even Saskatchewan licence plates! Some of it was purchased in support of the team while other pieces were designed and put together by creative fans.

These items are on basement bookshelves, on fireplace mantels, in cupboards and even in garages.

Bring those items out and take a photo or shoot a video. It's time to share your Roughrider memorabilia with all those other Roughrider fans during the team's centennial year.
Here, at, we want to amass the biggest collection of Roughrider memorabilia ever seen. Send in photos and videos of your Roughrider memorabilia to become part of the Roughrider online museum. Your name will be attached to your submissions.

Click here to send us your photos or video.
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