Friday, September 4, 2009


Pacman video gets bad Blue review
Players relieved they won't have 'cancer' in room
By: Ed Tait

It's hardly compelling, but it's entertaining in a bizarre, train-wreck sort of way.

The video of Adam (Pacman) Jones' online chat with his fans Tuesday night, which ultimately spiked his chances of playing in the CFL, has dominated the discussion in the Winnipeg Blue Bombers' clubhouse in the last couple of days. And the consensus is pretty clear: This tightly knit crew -- which said collectively they would welcome Jones with open arms when news of his possible foray north first broke -- is now positively thrilled the organization pulled the plug on Pacman wearing the Blue and Gold.

"I checked it out and I was just shaking my head the whole time I was watching it," Bomber running back Fred Reid said. "It's uncalled for, and to have it on live TV... it's inappropriate. I can understand where the coaches came from and their decision not to sign him after all. We don't need that attitude in this locker-room right now. He's talking like he's bigger than everything."

In case you missed it -- and if you did, save yourself the 44 minutes you'll never get back -- Jones' video features him first indicating he had signed in the fledgling UFL before correcting himself. But it also includes him boasting about scoring a couple TDs a game and exiting as soon as an NFL team called because he had an "out" in his contract (which doesn't exist).

Most of all, he comes across as cocky and still full of bravado -- exactly the kind of attitude that could have drawn all the wrong kinds of attention for a team that has had its challenges through a 3-5 start, but is still in position to make a run at the post-season.

"I haven't seen it yet, but I'm going to go home and watch it right away," said centre Obby Khan. "I heard it's priceless. It sounds like, essentially, that video got him cut. Congratulations to Pacman for that.

"Thing is, we govern ourselves in here. We do a great job in here, more so than in the six years I've been in the league. The guys are great. There's great camaraderie, great teamwork, and everyone's friends in here. So if we were to invite a cancer in, it would be quickly expelled from the locker-room, from the body. I wasn't worried about that. Even if he did come and he was a cancer, we would have handled it."

Asked if he had watched the now-notorious video, Bomber head coach Mike Kelly said: "My eyes were burning. It's unfortunate that type of behaviour can be broadcast all around the world. It just wasn't something I thought was conducive to our football club."

Veteran linebacker Ike Charlton, a guy with NFL experience, just shook his head in disbelief when asked if he had watched Jones and his antics.

"It's a guy that doesn't understand the magnitude of the situation," he said. "It's a guy that doesn't understand what's at stake. It's a guy that doesn't care. It's a case where you had another opportunity to get another chance to play and do something you love, but you continue to draw red flags and put yourself in predicaments you can't get out of.

"He just don't understand the talent level up here. It was a dumb move by him. I can guarantee he don't have a clue about the CFL game. For him to come in here and say this is going to happen, that is going to happen... you can tell right there he don't understand how the game is played here."

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