Wednesday, September 9, 2009


This is third hand information, but it seems very reliable based on who told my source.

Supposedly Kitwana told a former teammate he was released by the Eskimos Tuesday afternoon and he expects to sign a new contract with the Riders in the next couple of days.


I've heard two very interesting stories tonight. One, after giving up so many rushing yards against Calgary, Richie Hall met with Kitwana Jones earlier today, saying they need bigger defensive linemen, and the Eskimos may be close to trading or releasing Kitwana Jones. The other thing I'm hearing is Riders GM Eric Tillman has supposedly been in contact with the Eskimos and it's quite possible some kind of deal or agreement could be consumated in the next few days to bring Kitwana back to Saskatchewan. Stay tuned.
Anonymous said...
I would like to see Kitwana back in the fold, our special teams could use the boost. Dustin
September 08, 2009
Anonymous said...
It was confirmed as I listen to 630 CHED here in Edmonton. Kitwana has been released by the Eskimos
September 08, 2009
Anonymous said...
Wow! Do you ever stop working? Thanks for giving us the scoop. You're blog is awesome. Just a suggestion how about a daily poll?Mike
September 08, 2009
Chad said...
Bring him back, Kitwana is a MONSTER on special teams!!! Come on Eric make it happen!!
September 08, 2009
rider guy said...
rod,just listening to the coaches show on CHED this evening and can confirm right from Richie Hall's lips that Kitwana Jones has been released. Certainly could be on his way back to the Riders, but it doesn't sound like there would be anything going back to the Evil Empire as he has been released.
September 08, 2009
Warren said...
Coach Ritchie just confirmed on CHED radio that Kitwana has been released.
September 08, 2009
Anonymous said...
If we're making a deal it'll be with Kit, not the Schmoes. They released Kitwana this evening.
September 08, 2009
Anonymous said...
I agree with Mike, your blog is awesome. I come here regularly to check it out and get the latest news because it is also up-to-date. Good job Rod.Mark
September 09, 2009
Rafal said...
Kitwana, Baggs, Chick would be a lethal combination for the final stretch of the season. Go Riders Go!Reggie Hunt would be nice addition too.RDS
September 09, 2009

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