Monday, January 5, 2009

Talk to Darian Durant

By mmccormick36 01-05-2009 COMMENTS(0) Rider Rumblings

I had a great chat with Darian Durant on Monday after the announcement of his re-signing with the Riders Here are some of his thoughts:

What do you think about the signing of slotback Jason Clermont?“It definitely upgrades our offence. We have a lot of guys who can play key positions so they can’t key on one guy. It will open up things for Andy Fantuz, Rob Bagg and those guys. It’s a great opportunity for me to work with those guys.’’

When you left at the end of the season, you knew that you were coming back, didn’t you?“I was just waiting on the phone call. After the Bishop release it was clear to me that I was wanted.’’The word unproven has used to describe yourself and the current QBs on the roster. Do you feel you have something to prove heading into the 2009 season?“I have something to prove to my family, my friends and also myself. I started a couple games last year and I had a little success. I just want to show that I can be successful for an 18-game season. That’s my motivation and show everybody, not just the fans.’’It must be a nice feeling to know that all of football future is settled this early in the New Year?“Technically before I signed the contract, I was unemployed.

It’s good to know that you’re employed and in a good situation. I’m looking forward to the
opportunity.’’The opportunity and who emerges as the Riders’ starting QB will be the story of training camp.That’s if for now. I’m turning my divided attention to the gold-medal hockey game and the Fiesta Bowl. What a night for sports!

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