Friday, December 12, 2008


By Rob Vanstone 12-12-2008 COMMENTS(0) Rider Rumblings

TORONTO — The Saskatchewan Roughriders' successful completion of negotiations with Jason Clermont must be big news. It is even being reported on the radio in Toronto. Of course, I read about it last night on, but . . .

The Roughriders' signing of the former Usher Unicorns and University of Regina Rams star makes eminent good sense, as I wrote 397 times before sneaking away for a mini-vacation. This is a mutually beneficial transaction.

The Roughriders' offence was a weak link last season. The addition of Clermont will help immensely in that regard — especially when you consider that Saskatchewan will have a ball-control offence. Clermont is a move-the-chains kind of player.
Clermont is also a ratio-breaker. He allows the Roughriders to play an import elsewhere, and upgrade another position. For example, he could give the Roughriders the latitude to deploy an import kick returner.

The signing also alters the tenor of some conversation pertaining to the Roughriders. Instead of grumbling about an inglorious conclusion to the 2008 season, fans can celebrate a marquee signing.

Business-wise, this is huge for all concerned. Clermont, a realtor for Royal LePage, will be walking, talking billboard for his company, and his alliance with the Roughriders could have incalculable benefits from that standpoint. Clermont will also be able to be with his family, which is about to expand, on a year-round basis.

The Roughriders also stand to gain from a business perspective. There are, after all, tickets to sell. Additionally, the Roughriders can now market some No. 82 jerseys -- and Christmas is fast approaching. Ho ho ho!

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