Thursday, December 18, 2008


Here is what Roughriders GM Eric TIllman said Wednesday afternoon at Mosaic Stadium when he met the media to discuss the appointment of Richie Hall as the Edmonton Eskimos' head coach:

What’s the organization’s thoughts on Richie Hall leaving? “Obviously, it’s a day of mixed emotions. Richie is somebody we care about deeply and we’re happy for him on a personal basis. At the same time, there’s a real sense of sadness for us because we’re losing a member of the family — someone who has been part of the fabric of Saskatchewan Roughriders football for so long. He’s meant so much to this province in so many ways, on and off the field. As I said to someone earlier, you hear the term ‘good man’ thrown around a lot in today’s society, but Richie Hall is the epitome of a good man. He’s as fine a person as you’ll meet. I know that Edmonton has hired a quality football coach and a good person and he will lead the organization with class and dignity.’’Was it a matter of time that somebody was going to make this call to Richie?

“Richie’s an experienced coach, a good person, and he has knocked on the door for a long time. I can understand Edmonton’s attraction to him. It’s also a compliment to our organization. The hunter has become the hunted. The last time this organization won this many games in two years was 1969 and 1970. We are no longer the lovable losers. This is a pre-eminent organization that other people look to with respect. They look to our coaches, as we saw with the loss of Mike Gibson last week, and as we saw with Richie today. We intend to stay where we are
in terms of the respect that we’ve earned over the last couple of years. It’s just reality in the new world order. When you’re successful, people come after your people. We’re happy for Richie and we wish him the best — obviously, except when he plays us. Life goes on.’’What’s the process going to be to find his replacement?

“Kenny’s on vacation right now. We spoke last night a couple of times, anticipating the possibility of this. You always prepare for the worst-case scenario in this business, knowing that Richie could either get this job or the one in Toronto. We have a plan in place, but I think it’s best for Kenny to speak to that as opposed to me.

’’Do you have to look very far, in that Gary Etcheverry is already employed here and has been a defensive co-ordinator various times in the CFL? “Gary is an outstanding coach. Our players have a lot of confidence in him. They have expressed that multiple times. He and Richie are very close. I know Richie was thrilled when he came aboard. As to what final decision will be made, I think Kenny should speak to that.

’’You’re one of the people who has gone through the head-coaching interviewing process with Richie. Why has it taken him so long? “There’s no magical formula to it. A lot of times, everything’s situational. Sometimes it’s based on relationships. Sometimes it’s based on what people need. I think, historically, there has probably been more of a focus on the offensive side of the ball than defence in this league. I have not adhered to that. I hired Dave Ritchie and gave him his first head-coaching opportunity. I think maybe it’s because Richie is not a flashy guy. We’re in an era of style. Richie is probably more substance than style, so I don’t know how well he interviews, but I know what he’s like on a day-to-day basis and I think he’ll do an outstanding job. I know he’s excited. I’m sure it’s mixed emotions for him. He called me last night and we talked. He called me about 11:30 or 12 and apologized. We talked extensively. He has strong feelings for this place, but all coaches, in the right circumstance, aspire to be head coaches — not all, but most. I think this is something where he felt he was ready to make the next step. It’s going to be a challenge for him, and it will be a challenge for us. The West Division just got stronger, as if we needed it to.

’’With key free agents in the linebacking corps, is there concern with people following Richie? “I’m sure there will be some losses. I don’t think there’s any question about that. But I think if you look at our club two years ago, John Chick, Renauld Williams, Lance Frazier, Weston Dressler, Wes Cates and a whole bunch of guys weren’t here. I think if this regime has proved anything, it’s that we can find good football players, so we would like to retain as many guys as we can. In the real world, had Richie stayed, we still would have had attrition. But, sure, when you have a man of his character with the relationship he has with his players, it’s going to have an impact. Football’s no different than life. Sometimes you have to react to change, and we’ll go forward. We didn’t anticipate the injuries that we had last year and we reacted, so we’ll do the same thing in this circumstance.

’’Did you ever consider making a counter-offer or, because it was a head-coaching position, did you know it was something you couldn’t match? “At the end of the season, I sat down with Richie before Toronto and Edmonton called and offered him a two-year extension — and a very attractive extension. I think one thing should be pointed out. We say we don’t read the newspapers or listen, but we do. The only difference is whether we’re honest with you guys or not. Some people say they never listen to the media, and they’re absolute liars. We understand what’s being said. I heard a guy last night on the radio — I was in the car — saying that I hadn’t shown Richie respect if he went to Edmonton, and that’s just patently absurb. When I took this job, Richie was the lowest-paid defensive co-ordinator in the league. In fact, we had the lowest-paid group of assistant coaches in the league. One of the pre-conditions of me taking the job was that we alter that appreciably. Richie, in two seasons, had gone from being the lowest-paid defensive co-ordinator in the league to being in the top-three-paid assistant coaches on either side of the ball in the league, and we offered him a two-year extension with another raise. So he has been very well-compensated. He was very appreciative of that. It’s just an opportunity for him to be a head coach. He was unbelievably gracious in his phone call earlier today. He enjoys tremendous respect from this organization and this province.

’’He was considered twice here for the head-coaching job. Was there something that deterred you from promoting him here? “There’s no way to answer that question without it sounding negative. Sometimes there’s not a right or wrong choice. There are multiple good choices. I think if you look at the success of the last two years — 24 wins in two seasons — that there was a lot right with Ken Miller and Kent Austin, so I’d answer it that way. Do I think that Richie’s capable of being a head coach? Yes, I do. I’ve said that multiple times, and I’m happy for him. But I think if you look at our success over the last couple of years, it speaks for itself, given that it had only been since ’69 or ’70 since it had been paralleled. That’s quite a while. In fact, some people in this scrum weren’t born yet.’’Will Ron Estay be back? “Right now, our focus is on Ron and his health. Ron’s a guy who we care about deeply and we love. Football’s way, way, way down the list of priorities right now. We want to be supportive of Ron and this organization’s going to continue to take care of him and be good to him. Whether or not he coaches really is not of significance right now. We just ask that our fans keep him in their thoughts and prayers.

’’Do you have a particular timeline when you want a defensive co-ordinator and even someone to replace Mike Gibson as well? “We’re well along the way in both processes, but I think there’s a proper protocol, and Kenny would speak to that. We’re well down the road in both paths. We’ve anticipated both situations. Mike was under contract, but knew that there was a possibility that he could become an offensive co-ordinator. We gave him permission to go. It was something that he wanted to pursue. Obviously, I know Marcel (Bellefeuille) quite well. The day that we gave him permission, we started planning for the next (step). You’d have to be deaf, dumb, blind and stupid to not realize that the thing with Richie might happen, given the interest in Toronto and Edmonton. We’re well-prepared and we’ll make the announcements at whatever time frame is appropriate.

’’Given the rivalry and as much as people like Richie, are there people who might not forgive him for going to Edmonton? “I think people will always love Richie here. He’s earned that. If it’s possible, I think it will take a little edge off the rivalry. It will be strong, but I think it will be a little more respectful because of the respect that people have for Richie Hall. We’ll still bring the same intensity to the field. Friendships don’t change. Rivalries don’t, either . . . Richie’s always going to be a part of this family. Ron Lancaster went to Edmonton and went to Hamilton, yet he was always part of our family. There are a special few who connect at an elite level with this franchise, with these people, and Richie certainly has earned his place at that elite level. It’s not just because of what he has accomplished as a player and a coach, but because he really invested in the community and gave a lot back. I know part of his heart will always remain here. He’ll always be welcomed here. I think it will change the rivalry a little bit, just in terms of its tone. I don’t think the hate will be there, but the passion won’t change. Let’s be very clear. Over the last couple of years, I think we’ve gone a long way toward changing the way this organization is seen or perceived. Our goal is to win championships. Our goal is to get home playoff games. And that won’t change. We’ll line up and look forward to the challenges in 2009.

’’How goes the battle with free agents? Are you making progress in trying to re-sign any of them? “Yeah, we have. One of the things right now that is complicated — and maybe everyone’s not aware of this — is the league rule that any contracts that are signed during the calendar year of 2008 count against the 2008 cap. Obviously, because of our injury situation, we have no cap space remaining, so we can’t sign anybody — our Americans. One of the things is the distinction in the tax laws. For Canadian players, it doesn’t matter if you get an advance on your contract or signing bonus, so in the case of Jason Clermont, we signed him but he got an advance on his contract in January. For Americans, because the tax rate is much lower, if they get a signing bonus then it has to be based on the date the contract’s signed. With Jason, we were able to sign him in December but put the payment in January. With American players, we can’t sign them until January, so I think you’ll see several announcements in the New Year. Yet, there’s going to be some change. There will be some attrition with free-agency. It’s reality. When you have a good football team and you have as many good players as we do, other people take notice. In a salary-cap era, as we’ve seen already in B.C., there’s going to be change on an annual basis.’’

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