Tuesday, December 23, 2008


- I can say with certainty that Richie Hall joining the Edmonton Eskimos hasn't sunk in yet. Seeing our own "Smiling One" in Green & Gold with a "EE" hat on was a painful picture. But, we're happy for him.

- The festive season has been a blur of Christmas parties for rodpedersen.com. The other night I was at a function loaded full of football types, and many members of the "Old Boys Club". It was there I learned the CFL assistant coach carousel is about to be given a gigantic heave.
When it stops, Rick Campell will land in Winnipeg as the Bomber defensive coordinator and Greg Marshall will end up back in Edmonton. That's IF "Marsh" doesn't get the Argo top job. And I'll be surprised if he does. It could happen though, as Danny Barrett took his name out of the running on the weekend.

- Over my shoulder, Chapters is open extended hours and the doors are open as I sit here at 9:15am. They've got 'Green Magic' for sale in the BEST OF SPORTS section, which is cool.
We are less than 1,000 book sales away from being a BEST SELLER!! Thanks to everybody who came out to Northgate yesterday for the book-signing.
And it's also available at all Saskatchewan Safeways.

- But that Brett Favre biography with the CD inside looks VERY tempting. Hey family, if you're reading this, please put it under the tree.
- When it's this cold, I start feeling sorry for people. And things. I feel sorry for the pets that get locked outside and forgotten and freeze to death. I feel sorry for the late-teens and 20-somethings who drive a rust-bucket that won't start in the cold and their day is ruined (like what happened to me hundreds of times when I was that age). Like I said, it's time to warm up. I don't miss those days. Thanks again Saturn of Regina.

- My grand plan to broadcast Rider games in the summer and live in Phoenix in the winter is really starting to look good.

-Yah, I'll be around to broadcast Rider games in the new stadium/entertainment facility. It's been quite a week and somehow or another I've managed to rub elbows with some significant government officials over the past few days.
I'm sure they would string me up if I divulged the details (and they told me they read the blog), but suffice it to say that by sound financial planning and management over the next few years, this new stadium/entertainment complex will be paid for.And there's enough money for a hospital in Moose Jaw and a childrens' wing at Royal University Hospital in Saskatoon so don't get your panties in a bunch.

We MIGHT be able to host the 2012 Grey Cup in the new facility, but it'll be tight time-wise.I laugh at how people think Jim Hopson, Pat Fiacco and Brad Wall just "casually" threw out this new stadium talk like it had just come into their heads. THEY'VE BEEN TALKING ABOUT THIS FOR MONTHS!And I think it's cool we refer to the Premier as "Brad". And it's cooler that he wants it that way.

- For those complaining about not being able to watch Rider games outside, get over it. We should sacrifice a state-of-the-art facility that's the envy of the country because of MAYBE half-a-dozen days at the most? C'mon!
Yah, they're imploding Domes in the states. Big deal. You can't compare Regina to Seattle. Think about it.

- Sobering thought though: This was brought up at another Christmas party -- a new stadium means we'll never watch another game in Mosaic Stadium/Taylor Field ever again.
Wow. Yikes. But we'll get over it.

- In my opinion, say your good-byes to Maurice Lloyd. For one, he told Carm he'd like to try the NFL as a special teams player and for two, he's going to the highest-bidder which is likely Edmonton or B.C.

- Who's the Riders' next defensive coordinator? I don't know. If I had a bet, I'd say Gary Etcheverry but that's based on nothing whatsoever. I haven't spoken to E.T. in weeks so I have no idea in which direction they're leaning.

- That's all I wanted to say. Thanks for reading, Happy Holidays
Rod P.

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