Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rod Pederson Blog

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HAPPY HOLIDAYS RIDER FANS!Posted by Riders on Monday, December 22, 2008 at 10:54:00 AM. -->

It's been awhile since we last wrote in this space. In fact, it was the week after Calgary's Grey Cup win, and it's taken that long to get over the bitter way the 2008 Saskatchewan Roughriders' season ended.

As a matter of fact, I asked Rider head coach Ken Miller on the postgame show of the western semifinal loss when he'll be over the hard feelings and be able to appreciate the team's 12-6 season. He said in his American drawl, "It'll take awhile."

And I'm not sure he's even there yet.

It has definitely been a head-shaking month and a half since the season ended. I always wonder what it would be like to talk to someone who's been away from all communication for a month, and then tell them all that's gone in in Riderville since they were away.

"Richie Hall's gone? Jason Clermont's a Roughrider? We might be getting a new stadium? What?" I'm sure they'd say.

The Hall and Clermont moves may only be two simple transactions but they promise to affect the very foundation of Canada's Team. Richie Hall spent two decades with the Green & White, but he's fled to the Green & Gold to become the Edmonton Eskimos head coach.

I laughed, and then I cried when I read that Richie and Eskimos' boss Danny Macoccia hit it off so well in the interview that his hiring became a slam dunk. No surprise there -- you could put Richie in a room with the Grinch and they'd both come out smiling. He's that infectious.

We'll miss him terribly, but there's not one member of the Rider Nation that's not elated for him to finally get the chance he's coveted for so long.

The search is on for a replacement, but GM Eric Tillman may not have to look to far as insiders feel Rider defensive assistant Gary Etcheverry will take over the DC role.

As for Jason Clermont, well, I could barely contain my excitement as I watched that scenario unfold. Cut by the BC Lions on a Wednesday, J.C. was wearing a Rider jersey just eight days later. No one's more excited than Jason.

Rider offensive coordinator Paul Lapolice is licking his chops at the thought of the damage Clermont and Andy Fantuz can do as the Riders' Slot Machines. Paul is spending the holiday season devising a new type of offense that will best deploy #'s 82 and 83, and the talents of returning quarterback Darian Durant.

As for the new stadium, Rider President Jim Hopson got the province buzzing on a CKRM radio appearance three weeks ago in which he stated political leaders are "moving in the direction of a new stadium".

Regina Mayor Pat Fiacco and Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall have jumped on board, but are getting all their ducks in a row first. That includes doling out funds to other priorities, but also making plans to erect the greatest entertainment facility in western Canada, if not the whole country.

A City of Regina feasibility study is ongoing, but it's being funded by the provincial government.

We sit and wait for the results.

As for Rider fans, they're doing what they do; trying to sort out where the team is going for the upcoming season. They're wondering who the quarterback depth chart will consist of, what free agents we'll lose, who the starting receivers will be, etc, etc.

But to me, that's not a real worthwhile exercise. At this point last year on the calendar, we still had Kent Austin as head coach and players Kerry Joseph, Reggie Hunt, Corey Holmes and Fred Perry on the roster.

That didn't last long! While I don't expect radical changes like that this off-season, no one really knows where the franchise is going except Eric Tillman himself.

I'm spending the holidays reflecting on all that's right with the Saskatchewan Roughriders. Back-to-back 12-6 seasons, a year where every ticket to every game was soldout, and the fact the Riders are still organizationally on top of the CFL mountain.

Let's count our blessings!

(Rod Pedersen is Voice of the Riders on CKRM Radio)

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